Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kamijo Fangirl (non-Rabid, Thank Goodness.)

"Why can't more guys be like Kamijo?!"

I've found myself subconsciously thinking this when I listen to Versailles. Albeit I hate to be one of those fan girls, I'm not ashamed; he's dead sexy and has the voice of an archangel!

But enough of that. While we are on the subject of Versailles and angels, this song I'd like to share is from there latest album! Doesn't it remind you of Christmas in Ireland?

Since Jasmine-You (bass) unexpected death, they temporarily filled the void with You from Manterou Opera for a live show in 2009. Currently they have a new bassist, Masashi, and he is pretty good (and good looking, hahaha). But they still consider Jasmine-You to be a member, "eternally".

I love this band.


  1. Another Versailles/Kamijo fan? You certainly have that a kindred spirit in me! XD
    And yes, I often ask myself that exact question. lol I guess we're holding out for the best. ;)
